Staff Academy

Apr 13, 2020

Online courses - new timetable

The new timetable for MAKOTO online courses.

Those interested can write to or take a look to event page of


09.30 - Ticao and Qi Gong with Suna Tancig

13.00 - Multilevel Karate with Marco Cozzutto

18.00 - Karate Ju white be lts with Emiliano Hlacia

18.30 - Yang Taijiquan 1 with Gabriella Serdi

19.30 - Karate Senior es coloured belts with Fulvio Pascut

19.30 - Krav Maga with Marco Cozzutto


09.30 - Yang Taijiquan 2 with Fulvio Pascut

11.00 - Yang Taijiquan 1st Lu with Giancarlo Godina

15.00 - Baguazhang with Paolo Bolaffio

17.00 - K.WORK with Roberta Kirchmayer

18.00 - Karate Juniores colored belt with Emiliano Hlacia

18.30 - Yang Taijiquan Advanced with Paolo Bolaffio

18.45 - Karate Juniores Blue, Brown and Black belts with Emiliano Hlacia

19.30 - Karate Seniores coloured belt with Fulvio Pascut

20.10 - Karate Seniores Brown and Black belts with Paolo Bolaffio


09.30 - Qi Gong with Paolo Bolaffio

14.00 - Chen Taijiquan 1 Lu with Giancarlo Godina

18.00 - Karate Junior white belts with Emiliano Hlacia

18.00 - Aerobic Fight with Marco Cozzutto

18.30 - Ticao and Qi Gong with Suna Tancig

19.30 - Chen Taijiquan Base with Fulvio Pascut

20.15 - Chen Taijiquan Advanced with Paolo Bolaffio


09.30 - Yang Taijiquan 2 with Fulvio Pascut

11.00 - Ticao with Giancarlo Godina

15.00 - Baguazhang with Paolo Bolaffio

18.00 - Karate Juniores coloured belt with Emiliano Hlacia

18.30 - Yang Taijiquan Advanced with Paolo Bolaffio

18.45 - Karate Juniores Blue, Brown and Black belts with Emiliano Hlacia

19.10 - Krav Maga with Marco Cozzutto

19.30 - Karate Seniores coloured belt with Fulvio Pascut

20.10 - Karate Seniores Brown and Black belts with Paolo Bolaffio


09.30 - Qi Gong with Paolo Bolaffio

13.00 - Multilevel Karate with Marco Cozzutto

17.00 - Baguazhang repetition with Suna Tancig

18.30 - Yang Taijiquan 1 with Gabriella Serdi

19.00 - Aerobic Fight with Marco Cozzutto

19.30 - Karate Seniores coloured belt with Fulvio Pascut

19.30 - K.WORK with Roberta Kirchmayer


17.00 - K.WORK with Roberta Kirchmayer
